Applicant Guidelines


Application Requirements

Marketing and sales: several positions

Job description
  • Provide data through the assessment of data usage needs of the drug manufacturers, primarily focusing on drug sales data, and provide consultation services
  • Promote new product development and create business opportunities
Employment type Full-time, permanent
Ideal candidate
  • Individual with experience in the pharmaceutical or related industry, with business experience and knowledge of the industry
  • Individual with experiencing using or analyzing data, for example, in developing drug marketing strategies for a drug manufacturer
Location Tokyo
Work hours 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. (one-hour break)
Holidays Weekends (Saturdays and Sundays), national holidays, annual paid leave
Other holidays: Birth and bereavement, summer holidays, New Year’s holidays
Salary To be determined based on the Encise salary table based on the employee’s experience
Raises and bonuses Raises: Once a year(Generally)
Bonuses: Twice a year
Insurance Employee insurance, workmen’s accident compensation insurance, health insurance, employee’s pension
Benefits There is a system of benefits of corporate members
Training There are various types of support for the internal training system and other self-development opportunities
Other There is a trial employment period (five months)
Selection process Preliminary screening: Resume and documentation review
Secondary screening: Interviews with multiple employees

Research on the health care or long-term care system or related industries: several positions

Job description
  • As members of the Encise Research Center, employees will use Encise’s drug sales database as well as relevant medical data and findings from domestic and international resources to announce new findings, such as proposals regarding future health care system options, as part of Encise’s corporate social responsibility efforts.
  • Respond to the research needs of the medical and pharmaceutical products industry, and related industries
  • Promote new product development and create business opportunities
Employment type Full-time, permanent
Ideal candidates
  • Individuals with research experience in the medical and pharmaceutical products industry, or related industries, either domestically or abroad, who want to conduct surveys and research on an ideal vision for health care systems and drug distribution in Japan.
  • Individuals with a deep knowledge of statistical analysis, and an interest in taking a progressive, analytical approach to the medical and pharmaceutical products industry, or related industries.
  Note: See the application requirements above for information on the location, work hours, holidays, salary, allowances, raises and bonuses, insurance, benefits, training system, trial period, and selection process.

Systems work: several positions

Job description
  • Development and improvement of systems for collecting, maintaining, and delivering drug sales and other data
  • Security measures for databases using SQL Server
  • Data aggregation and data creation for delivery using SQL Server and Oracle
Employment type Full-time, permanent
Ideal candidates
  • Individuals with experience in data aggregation using SQL Server
  • Individuals with practical experience with SQL Server maintenance and management
  Note: See the application requirements above for information on the location, work hours, holidays, salary, allowances, raises and bonuses, insurance, benefits, training system, trial period, and selection process.


Sales Division

Sales Division

Meet the expectations of pharmaceutical companies Sense of mission supporting medical society

Systems Division

Systems Division

Accurate data
To deliver quickly

For the Next Generation. For the Patients.

Database Series



  • 全国版
  • 都道府県版
  • 市区郡版



処方箋フロー情報(Rx Flow)



BI Series(見える化)


  • 全国単位
  • 市区郡単位


Database Series

Prescription Drug Sales Data

  • Nation-level Data
  • Prefecture-level Data
  • City-level Data

“EnTalk” is an annual series of webinars where prominent speakers from various fields provide timely information. The customers who have purchased certain number of “En” data are eligible to join.

Encise Database Series, the aggregated daily data with the cooperation of wholesalers nationwide, offer data by region, by drug, and by packaging unit. The data coverage rate is over 99%.

Rx Flow Data

MC is data of out-of-hospital prescription’s flow which was independently accumulated and highly maintained by using our own network with the cooperation of 16,000 MSs nationwide.

BI Series

Versatile BI Tools

  • Nation &
  • City-level

Access to variety of prescription drug sales data series designed for “Visualization”. Enable optimal behavior changes.